sábado, dezembro 03, 2005

who needs money?


Anonymous Anônimo said...

I think...

orphans, especially in countries where there are no foster care programs.

widows and women whose husbands have been unfaithful, leaving them with AIDS or a housefull of children, or both.

Families who work all day long and still cannot provide for themselves.

Those who commit their lives to saving and healing the sick and comforting the dying.

These are my thoughts

2:25 PM  
Blogger Esteban said...

is that really what they need though?
if all money offers is bodily comfort...i know its a bit of an extreme point, but i dont think money is the cure for a person with aids.

the real problems lie in why these children become orphans, what cause the husbands to be unfaithful, why cant a family work all day long and provide for themsleves...exploitation? hatred? deciet? caused by what?

when i look at those pictures I see love in their eyes. mutual love.

perhaps being alive on this earth isnt all that important, but to love while we are here, is?

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anônimo said...

Your words ring true, but if anyone actually NEEDS money (which is debatable) these are the most deserving.

Although in no way can money cure aids, imagine how far a few dollars would go for a woman nursing and comforting her dying husband, or a child sitting up beside his/her dying parent, or even a older sibling raising his/her family.

My words are not coming out quite right. You are right, money is in no way the solution to any of these problems or issues.

I think my American mindset has been fogged into thinking that money is of some sort of importance. Has Brazil fallen into that same misconception?

You are right. These faces show love. Abolishing pain and exploitation in the world would be the ideal solution, but is that possible? I have no answer, but just wonder.

Would it not be just as good that we give the money that we have to help...or even better, give of our time and of ourselves to show love or comfort to those that don't have a loved one smiling upon them?

6:59 PM  
Blogger Esteban said...

It seems that all we can do is spread love, and be radical. small groups have been known to change the world before. no matter how daunting a task, we must try.

Giving money can be an expression of love. These are the people who, if anyone, need money.

9:19 PM  

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